同居试爱 已完结

9.0 推荐

分类:泰国剧 泰国 2021



  关于Match的,他正在寻找一个室友,在一个新的公寓里合租一个大房间。但是有两个人同时联系他。Match有3周的时间来决定他会选择谁做他的室友。所以Match开始了一个名为# MateMatch # HelpMeChooseRoommate的YouTube VLOG,并要求观众投票决定他应该选择谁。这就是那三周的故事。
  It’s about Match, who’s looking for a roommate to share a big room in a new condominium. But there are two guys who contact him at the same time. Match has 3 weeks to decide whom he will choose to be his roommate. So Match starts a YouTube VLOG called #MateMatch #HelpMeChooseRoommate and asks the audience to vote whom he should choose. So this is the story during those 3 weeks.



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