4400第四季 完结

2.0 较差

分类:欧美剧 美国 2007



4400 were taken.   4400 were returned.   Each has a unique ability.   One among them has a message.   Anyone can become extraordinary.   The risk is great.   But so are the rewards.   And now there's no turning back   The world will have to deal with us.   一个阳光普照的好日子,Tom站在自己的厨房里喝着咖啡。他看了看表,叫Kyle赶快下楼来,说他们快迟到了。Kyle笑盈盈地冲下来,父子俩这辈子也没这么开心过。Tom挥了挥手,桌上的车钥匙飞到了他的手中--难道Tom也喝下Promicin并产生了超能力?  4400 中心的广场上已经聚...


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